Monday, February 16, 2009

My hiking trip...

The day before my wife and daughter left for Brazil, I went on a hiking/photography trip. My parents had taken my daughter to the park. My wife and her mother went to the mall - and I was left without the car.


Nice weather so I went for a hike to my side of Mt. Sequoyah and took some pictures. The experience was tiresome - as the road and any beaten path that was in existence was covered by fallen trees from the recent ice storm. I had never wandered very far from the pavilion that you see in the pictures. So, I was unsure if I'd encounter anything dangerous - like a bear.


I got a workout and since fallen trees were all over the woods - photography was even more difficult than the mountain climb.
I also found out that getting down from the top of a mountain (or semi-mountain) is as tiresome and more dangerous than going up it.

Fortunately there were no bears. And I supposed its too cold for snakes to be out. But I did see birds - however, these birds were not cooperative at all. They truly were afraid of me - unlike the 'domesticated' birds that hang out over there by my apartment (about 400 meters away).

Plus - I can't really say that I climbed to the top of a mountain when I still have cell phone reception when I get there. I'm still inside the city limits - so anytime, I need to quit being a d-bag and just man up to the fact that I climbed a big hill.

On my way back to the apartment - I made sure I paid the little geese at one of the lakes a visit. Just had to make sure I didn't step in goose crap. I don't think they liked the fact I was there. I didn't care. Finally got to get up close to animals during the winter time with this Nikon and get some decent shots. The cloudy day really kept me from getting anything decent and the dead grass really kills the colors.

As it warms up, I plan on heading out to Devil's Den and catching some waterfall shots.

Some Night Photography is still on the way, but it's been way too cold to go out and I've not been as motivated to go out since I've been trying to move.

But anyway, until next time...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My bucket list...

A few months ago when my wife and I decided to move to Brazil, I began to realize that there was a lot that I haven't done in the U.S. So, while we are living in Brazil, it will be much more difficult to accomplish those things (all things to be done either locally or in the U.S.).

So I've made a 'fluid' list of things that I would like to accomplish or experience before I go to Brazil. Kind of last ditch effort to have a life, when this entire time in NWA - I've had none.

1. eat at Herman's Restaurant. Apparently the best steakhouse in the region and I've never set foot inside the door.
2. Chicken & Waffles at the Sunrise Cafe. No that's not a typo. Apparently there is this cafe just around the corner from my job that serves "Chicken & Waffles" for breakfast. I cannot pass that up.
3. Trip to Wrigley field. I'm not really a baseball fan - but many of my friends are. Since Wrigley Field is one of the oldest stadiums (and last remaining) that Babe Ruth actually played in - they thought this would be a cool trip. Plus I've never been outside of the Chicago Airport.
4. Trip to Atlanta. Of all places, I chose Atlanta because one of my best friends lives out there - and it will probably be the only chance to see him before I move to Brazil.
5. Attend a NWA Naturals minor league baseball game and 10 Razorback baseball games.
6. Attend a professional sporting event OUTSIDE of Arkansas.
7. Potachos at Denny's. Anyone ever heard of this? Apparently its just like Nachos - except with Potato Chips. Always a first time for everything - and probably the only time.
8. Oaklawn Horse Racing - okay. I've done this before. I've even done the Razorback baseball games. I am an alum after all. But this is the type of thing that I'm not sure how often I'll get to do in Brazil - if at all. This is also a great opportunity for photography.
9. Photography at Devil's Den in the spring time.
10. Try most (if not all) of the mom-n-pop food joints that I can find.
11...upgrade to a Nikon d80 or d90. Shouldn't be hard, but after a list like this, who's got the time or the money?

So that's my list of things to do. Now that my wife has left, I should have ample free time to participate in many of these.

I'll keep you posted on my progress....and of course, with photos.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2/10/2009 - Bom Viagem to my Family

Today was a day that signifies a beginning and an end.

For years, my wife and I have been thinking about moving to Brazil.  Sometimes it was more of a fight than a discussion.  I was never really ready to go, and she was never really ready to stay.  I had always felt like maybe there was still a dream here for me to find.  I didn't accept the possibility that the dream itself could be in Brazil.

I still don't know where I will end up.

Over 3 months ago, Lia had ruptured a brain aneurysm.  She was immediately airlifted to St. John's Hospital in Springfield, Missouri where she had brain surgery on the very next day.  Very scary, very sudden, very unexpected and somehow very surreal.

Just before this, we had actually decided that we would move to Brazil - but we hadn't made any actual finalization to any plans made.  I had even told my parents we would be doing it.  I don't think they believed me.

Back to the aneurysm/brain surgery situation.  I thought, this will postpone these plans a little until she is fully recovered.  Turns out she recovered fully rather quickly - a miracle to say the least - and our plans to move to Brazil were more than solidified.  We made plans that Lia and our daughter would move first, and I would take care of our personal situations here (bills, taxes, debt, furniture) and rejoin them in June.  

Today was the day they left.

in 4 1/2 months - I will rejoin them.

Up until today, it wasn't surreal.  I saw it as a beginning to all that we had begun to hope for, plan for and starting over in life (after having acquired an uncomfortable amount of debt).  Today, the beginning was that I am on my own for a few months, I am making immediate efforts to take care of everything here and we are moving toward having completely moved to Brazil.  This is the beginning of a new chapter in our life.

Unfortunately, it was also an end.  I didn't think I would cry.  I thought I would be stronger.  It was hard.  It was really hard.  I will have to spend the next 4.5 months without my family and I may miss out on some of the neatest moments of my daughter's life.  

It's an end to the life that i have taken for granted here.  it's an end to knowing how it works and being in control.  I am no longer depended on - and in Brazil - I will have to reverse my role to depend on others because I have to learn the rules, I have to learn the life and I have to follow instead of lead.  That's a little disconcerting.

So, for now, I will just wait.  And work.  And move forward to that day when I see them in Brazil.

Enjoy the pictures...