A charred fire-grill, as the flames kiss the metal, produces images of sharp contrast between light and darkness, color and absence of color. Pattern means chaos.

Light after sunset. Yellow contrasting the Blue. Light contrasting the inevitable darkness. Substance against the lack of subtances.
This light pole seems to be illuminating the blue in the sky.

This porch lamp exhibits the same principles. When you see it on the porch, it appears to be uninteresting, but through the lens, it becomes beautiful.

Sometimes, as a photographer, you have to modify 'traditional' photographic perspective to create an emotion that doesn't exist to the naked eye. The child above exhibits movement against a still setting. She seems to glow, and her ghost like exposure, almost gives a reminiscent feeling.
Here are some other examples.

Some self portraits I made Friday evening.

The last picture, I think, represents the dichotomy of self. Contrast from within. Being torn into two different directions, feeling a multitude of emotions, and even through difficult decisions, we find that new opportunities arise, if we're just willing to look in that direction.

Until next time...