I've generally drifted toward simple subjects and I attempt to portray them in their own uniqueness. I've found items such as fire hydrants and park benches show up a lot in my pictures. I think it started around Christmas time when I went to the Fayetteville Downtown Square late at night. No one was there and it was freezing. I had just discovered RAW image format and was shooting everything. By the end of the session, I noticed I had kept taking pictures of park benches. The raw format really brought out the wood grained texture, which in the context of Christmas lighting was very neat.
Instead of driving to my church's men's ministry group - I walked (about 2 miles). It was an opportunity to look for stuff.

So mailboxes, are generally not exciting. But they are a unique feature to rural homes. These images attempt to portray the rural feel to Prairie Grove. I'm told these are not common in Brazil.

The broken road.
When you go walking with a camera, you notice things you don't notice when you drive. I always like images that show very little, but portray an overall feel of the area. The broken road image below is a good example. It gives the feeling that I'm in a rural area that isn't necessarily well kept. You don't even have to see that many pictures to get that idea. The broken road image portrays that.

I'm waiting for the day that someone tells a horror story about what happened this house...

What happened? (you may ask) I don't know. But it looks like a great setting for a teen slasher flick.
Further down the road - a particular guard wasn't happy I was around.

Ok. So, back to simplicity in Prairie Grove concept. A real working phone booth. It sits by the road in front of Colonial Motel (apparently a great restaurant). You don't see these anymore. I think its great...

The phone actually works. I tried it out.

So did Ched.

But he looks kind of confused about how to use it or even why.

Upcoming shooting events.
1. Night shot of a mountain landscape from a deer stand.
2. More night cemetery shots.
3. Family photos (2 different families)
4. Pea Ridge Battlefield
Until next time...