5 Races at the Horse Races...
Doesn't sound like very much, but I went with my parents and they were 0 for 4 when they decided to call it quits. I was 3/4. Maybe they're sore losers?
This was something I wanted to do before I went to Brazil. Less for the gambling. I'm not much for that. I really wanted to see what kinds of pictures I could get.

This horse right here is one of the horses that won me some money. Not much, because he was one of the favored ones..with 5-2 odds. But a 4 dollar bet got me some money to cover the $2 horse I wanted to "show".
The above picture was shot with a shutter speed of 1/500 of a second. With the overcast, much faster than that was getting too dark. I thought it turned out well.

In this photo, I think it was the number 9 horse that was the one I picked. He never made it to the front of the pack. . . . Ever.

This shot was interesting. I don't know what they call these people. They're the people who guide the horse and their jockey around the track before the race. Minutes before the first race begun, a few of these guides would come out. This was an interesting opportunity.
So, my luck started off well, but when it started to sink, I had to ask for some advice.

The horse at the counter was very helpful, but since I didn't win anymore races - I think he was lying to me.
All in all, I had a good day except for the guy who randomly came up to me and basically threatened me. I suppose I looked at him wrong, but if I did...then I didn't realize it.
Anyway, until next time...

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