The Abandoned Church...

Or at least I think its abandoned. I've spent the last 2 months driving by this church at different times of the day. It sits next to the Prairie Grove Civil War Battlefield. It's not as picturesque in the afternoon as it is in the morning, but I didn't want to miss yet another opportunity to shoot it.

In the morning, as the sun has just come up and the surrounding prairies are covered in fog. Cows in the distance. Its such a beautiful, peaceful sight to see every morning.

The only thing is - in the morning, I'm in too big of a hurry to stop and capture it. I've planned to capture it some weekend morning - but as if I am going to get up early on the weekend. Not gonna happen!

This not quite sunset shot is right across a gravel road from the church. So it gives you an idea that this church - while NOT in a secluded place, actually FEELS like it is.

The Water Treatment Plant burnings...

They're building a new water treatment plant in Prairie Grove about a block from where I currently live. Actually, they haven't started yet, but they're burning the brush from the soon-to-be location. They burn the brush several times per week. I needed some blog material, so I went for a walk.

Random leaf...

So a co-worker of mine (for the sake of anonymity, I'll call her Drew Barrymore) she feels that my fire hydrant pictures are boring because that's all they are. Maybe she's right. It could be that it's part of the canine in me. I think I know why dogs love fire hydrants, but I don't usually feel the need to relieve myself on one.
So, Drew, how about a fire hydrant sunset?

I was losing sunlight and decided to head back. The weather vane was the only interesting thing on the walk back.

Updates: I have a Facebook fan site. If you like what I do, please join. Do a search for Justin Lee Huddleston Photography.
I have purchased my tickets to Brazil and have received my permanent resident visa. I will be leaving in June - and then the title of this blog becomes much more relevant. My goal has always been setting up a blog for my life in Brazil - and its getting closer. Thanks for following thus far!
Until next time.
Drew said to tell you she approves!!
ReplyDeleteI actually like the artistic look of the hydrant photos.... No offense to Drew or anything.... LOL!