Riding a tour bus is fun, but this is about all you remember. Being on the bus..and rolling along in the streets. This was a photo-shop effect that I've seen done with wedding photos..I thought I'd add the effect here for the effect of racing through the city.

Millenium Park. Huge. It was very beautiful, lots of people and so much else to see, but I just didn't get a good picture of it because of all the people.

...and time stands still?

I've been on an unintended photography break since returning from the Chicago trip. I am currently in my final week of American life - for the time being. I've had so much to do and so little time to just take pictures. Part of those activities are finishing up free photography sessions that I had promised to some friends (as if I would charge them anyway).
Life in Brazil will be exciting, scary and sometimes fun. I've a lot to learn when I get there - and next week will begin the second chapter of this little journey.
Many of the readers know about my situation regarding why I am going to Brazil, so I will just leave it at that and not explain for the time being...
Within a few days I will be visiting a farm of cashew fruit. Many Americans with little world traveling experience are unfamiliar with the idea that cashews are really a fruit. Brazil (specifically the northeast where I will be living) is one of the world's leading exporters of the nut (castanha) and fruit.
They make juices and drinks with the fruit like Cajuina or Suco de Caju. I was never a big fan of the fruit itself, but I will enjoy the experience.
I will be visiting this farm for a celebration of one of the Festas Juninas holidays. I have NO idea what that means right now - but I've seen pictures and I would say its kind of like a Brazilian Hoedown or shindig.
So, those should be among the first updates for my blog when I arrive.
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