Monday, January 25, 2010

A little of everything...

I haven't had a lot of time to take pictures lately because of my work schedule and the 'subjects' are becoming less and less interesting. I really NEED to travel to see something besides this city.

Carne de Sol
a type of sun-dried meat. It doesn't dry out like jerky, but its a regional favorite. They make so many different kinds of dishes with it. Also in the picture, if I'm not mistaken, is armadillo tail.
Armadillo tail is technically an illegal food to sell...and even to kill it. However, I've never eaten it and it will never make my facebook photo album of "Things I Have Eaten", but I have eaten Carne de sol and its very good...when its cooked right.

Just trying to be artistic here.

And why do brazilians become such good soccer players?
Probably because they grow up playing on dirt fields all of their life.

I wanted to show this poor home because its not the type of home you see on a regular basis in the United States, in fact, I don't think I've ever seen a home this poor in the U.S. However, they are very common here and the conditions are kind of shocking for foreigners like me.

And, of course, my daughter thinks she will be a model someday. Or is that what daddy thinks?