Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Old-Fashioned Way

The Old-Fashioned Way, originally uploaded by J.Lee.Photo.

day 67 of 365.
august 31, 2010.

I see this a lot in Brazil. I find it fascinating, but the local brazilians probably all think I'm crazy when I take pictures of it. I haven't really posted the pictures that I take of it, but today, it was the only shot that I got off.

This vacant lot is about a block from my apartment, and I walk through it to get to the shopping mall which you can see in the background. At the shopping mall is where I teach English in a language school.

The sky is clear. In fact, its almost always clear. Clouds in the morning are rare, and even more rare is rain at this time of the year.

We are entering a season called B-R-O, Bro which is September to December. All the months that end in the letters "BRO" in the portuguese language. Setembro, Outubro, Novembro, Dezembro.

That's when the temperature daily reaches a high of around 110-115. It's considered one of the hottest cities in Brazil. While it 110 doesn't seem unbearable, the thing that gets you is the lack of wind and efficient centralized air conditioning. Anyone wanna come visit me?

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