Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A perspective on People...

Graffiti: Art or Vandalism? At least its a ninja!

A Bacon potato from "Batataz"

Its interesting when you're in a different country, the people seem different. Not just skin color, or hair color, but there is something different about how they behave and the lifestyles they live.

Coming from the United States to here, one of the things that grabs your attention is the simplicity of people's lives. In comparison to the USA, very few people own and use cars. A lot of people walk to their low-paying jobs or take the bus, a bike or even a moto-taxi (motorcycle taxi's). Since the weather here is so incredibly hot all-year long, you really feel for the people who do not have the luxury of a car with air conditioning, or much less, the luxury of a car.

While some do not have traditional 8-5 jobs, they may make their living selling home-made products like ice cream or beverages. Any item that helps someone feel cooler for just a few minutes is always a popular item.

The shade is invaluable in a city that has no wind. Occasionally I walk to work (about 1.5 miles away) and I have to stop in a plaza like this for a few minutes just to catch a slight breeze that only seems to exist in the shade and to avoid the heavy burning sun.

But not just in lifestyle, people look different. I always enjoy taking pictures of people who aren't expecting the photo op, or who don't even know that I've done so.

Some take an afternoon stroll to keep moving.

Others hide from the camera once they perceive its around.

And some even sleep like an angel while you photograph them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the textures and perspectives in these. It's got to be a great experience being in that culture, can't imagine.
